How Do I Know It’s Time to Replace My Garbage Disposal?

Drain and garbage disposal with apple peels.

Your kitchen is a complex ecosystem with multiple appliances working together to keep it running smoothly. With dishwashers, toasters, ovens, and more, keeping each at the top of their game is crucial to keeping your kitchen running. One appliance that you might not think about as often but plays an essential role is your garbage […]

Why Does My Gas Cooktop Have Weak or Uneven Flames?

A gas stove top with blue flames.

Your kitchen remains one of the most highly trafficked areas of your home. You spend countless hours at the stove making delicious meals for yourself and your family, including sorting through pots and pans to prepare your next meal. However, suppose you notice that your gas cooktop’s flame isn’t burning as strongly or as evenly […]

Why Are Bad Smells and Smoke Coming From My Oven?

oven with smoke coming out of it

A foul odor from your oven is an all too common problem for many people. You may even experience smoke coming from your oven, making it nearly impossible for you to cook a meal. Finding the source of the problem is critical to avoid future issues and reduce the chances of this happening to you […]

Why Is My Refrigerator So Noisy and Should I Be Concerned About It?

hand opening refrigerator door

All refrigerators, despite the advancements of modern technology, tend to make some noise. But in some instances, you may start to hear an unusually loud sound. Should you be concerned? This guide will look into the reasons why your refrigerator could be noisy and when you should turn to a trained technician: